Emergency 911
Area Code 239
Marco Island 394-3355
Naples 643-6875
S.W. Florida International 1-941-768-1000
City of Marco Island 389-5000
Collier Area Transit (Cat Bus) 1-239-596-7777
Comcast Cable 793-3577
Directory Assistance (local) 411
(long distance) 1, area code, then 555-1212
Drivers’ Licenses 434-5044
Florida Marine Patro 1-941-332-6966
Florida Poison Info Center 1-800-222-1222
Lee Electric 1-800-599-2356
Marco Chamber of Commerce 394-7549
Marco Healthcare Center 394-8234
Marco Island Police Dept (non emergency) 389-5050
Marco Island Utilities (water/sewer) 394-3880
Marco Library 394-3272
Marco Post Office 394-5437
Naples Community Hospital 436-5000
Canary Transportation 239-325-7207
Classic Luxury Transportation 239-394-1888
US Coast Guard 1-239-463-5754
Veterinarian 394-2535
Waste Collection 649-2212
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center 262-CARE